Monday, July 6, 2009

I found my camera cable

So I found the cable. I was confusing my USB-miniUSB cable with my camera cable and figured out my mistake when I went to plug in my external hard drive.

Here's a shot of our urban rogaining experience. This shot is of a few of my friends hunting for a list of things you're not permitted to do in the Botanical Garden in downtown Christchurch. My team ended up asking somebody because we couldn't find a list of rules anywhere.

Here's a shot of Kate. She's the IFSA-Butler person assigned to look over this semester's Canterbury students. We like her.

Here's a shot of the entrance to my room. My room is larger than either of the rooms I've had at Vanderbilt.

This shot was taken standing by the far corner of my room. Notice the duvet cover. I think I mentioned that I didn't get any sheets right? Well they gave me some, but the only kind that they had left were for girls. They seemed very impressed I took them without any fuss.

This is our living room area. Notice the balcony with the potted tree on it. The tree is one of many good signs that my roommates are going to be cool.

Check out the kitchen! It's awesome!

Katie told me that the IFSA crew is meeting up to do dinner at 6:30. I'm going to go onto the balcony and space out at this kid who is going back and forth along the walkway on his skateboard.