Saturday, July 4, 2009

NZ Internet Bandwidth Beef

I couldn’t finish and send these last few blog posts at the library because I exceeded the maximum download permitted. Sure, I was streaming music for about forty minutes while I was sitting there but damn how frustrating! I’ve considered paying for the internet service at the hostel but that too has a limit on how much up/down you can use.

Worst of all, I’m told that we have to choose a plan for how much bandwidth we want for our university Internet connections. Sorry guys, but the implications are that I may not be able to reasonably afford Skyping or any Internet games to ensure that I’ll have enough bandwidth to submit my assignments.


  1. That's pretty much bullshit. Unlimited internet is required.

  2. well that sucks.

    post more pictures, stream more movies and music... then just spoof your mac address 1000 times and take down the network.

    justttt kiddddddinnnggg.

    (sort of).
